From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

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Black-and-white HDR

Black-and-white HDR

We have already looked at why you might want to consider HDR techniques for your black-and-white photography. Now we're going to look at how you can go from a bracketed set of HDR images to a very nice finished black-and-white picture. Go to your Exercise Files folder and grab images 9685, 86, and 87 out of either the Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 folder and merge those in Photoshop. Be sure to do a 32-bit merge and be sure that you turn on Photoshop's deghosting features, because it was a little shaky when I took this picture and it's got some ghosting problems if you don't activate that. When you're done, save it as an EXR file, open that up in Photomatix, and tone map it, and you should have something like this. Now if everything that I just said is total gibberish to you, then you must've skipped some lessons, because we covered that particular workflow. The workflow of merging in Photoshop and tone mapping somewhere else earlier in this course. So go back and pick those up and you'll be…
