From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

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Creating an HDR image in Photoshop

Creating an HDR image in Photoshop

In this course, we're going to look at three pieces of HDR processing software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, and HDR Efex. In this movie, I'm going to show you the process of merging and tone mapping in Photoshop. Then in the next movie we're going to merge and tone map the same images in Photomatix. And in the movie after that, we'll do it all again in HDR Efex. I think you'll see that each program has its own strengths in it. You're probably going to want to end up with at least either Photomatix or HDR Efex in addition to Photoshop. All three of these applications are available for a free demo download. You can get Photoshop at That will give you the latest version CS5. Photoshop has had HDR Merge for a couple of versions, but CS5 is the first version where it's really kind of usable and it's pretty different than previous versions. So if you're using CS3 or CS4, you'll need to get 5 to follow along. We're not going to be taking these images all the way to…
