From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

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Batch processing in Photomatix

Batch processing in Photomatix

As you may have already discovered there's one kind of downside to working with HDR, which is you may be coming back with three times the data that you normally would or five times or seven times depending on how many images you're shooting per scene and assuming that you're shooting every scene HDR, which of course you won't be doing, but still, if you're working on some HDR images when you're out there, there is very good chance you're going to come back with a lot of data that needs to be processed. Fortunately Photomatix has some excellent batch processing tools that make it easy to go through a whole folder of bracketed sets and come up with merged images, all without you having to do anything once you've started the batch process. You can get to the Batch Processing controls under the Automate menu up here or over here in Workflow Shortcut you'll see Batch Bracketed Photos, Batch Single Photos. So let's take a look at the process of Batch Processing Bracketed Photos. So let's…
