From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

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Using Exposure Fusion in Photomatix

Using Exposure Fusion in Photomatix

In our earlier walk-through of Photomatix you saw that there are two different processes to choose from: Tone Mapping and Exposure Fusion. We looked at Tone Mapping in detail. Now let's take a look at Exposure Fusion. Switching over and the first thing that happens is, as I mentioned before, my image becomes a little less HDR and starts to look a little more like a normal photograph. That is my shadows are not so perfectly exposed, my highlights aren't so perfectly exposed. It doesn't have that flat look that an initial HDR adjustment can have. I also don't have the super refined detail. So if you want to be able to have good exposure throughout your image, that is, have some detail down here and have some detail up here, without going to the full HDR look, Exposure Fusion might be a good option for you. As I mentioned before, this is basically blending my stack of images together in the same way that I might do in Photoshop using a bunch of layers. Within Exposure Fusion I have five…
