From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

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Figma plugins for accessibility

Figma plugins for accessibility - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

Figma plugins for accessibility

- [Instructor] Today we'll discuss two Figma plugins that can help you validate whether your components are accessible or whether you need to make more changes to your components to meet accessibility standards. In Figma, make sure that you are in a community section where together we are going to search for our accessibility plugins. Let's quickly go to the search bar and type in contrast. In the plugin section, we will search for our first plugin that will help us with accessibility. Contrast makes it easy to check the ratios of colors in your design process so make sure that you click on try it out so that the plugin is installed on your Figma account. In our accessibility project, we are going to choose one of our components and check for the contrast ratio with the plugin. So right here I'm going to choose one layer. Specifically I'm curious to see whether the text has a high contrast ratio with the background. So…
