From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

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Create accessible icons

Create accessible icons

- [Instructor] Icons are a visual representation of an object or action using user interface design. Accessible icons usually come along with the text labels to ensure that the users immediately understand their purpose and meaning. But in some cases, icons can also be self-explanatory, especially when it comes to social media icons. In fact, you can design icons from scratch. But very common practice between designers is to reuse the Figma plugins, with the right existing icons libraries. And right now, I'm going to show you one of the plugins that we are going to work with. Make sure that you go to your personal dashboard, and instead of being right here in your personal space, you need to navigate to the community section. In the community, you have a bunch of different plugins, design system, visual assets, designed by different creators from all over the world. But right now, let's simply type in the name Feather Icons.…
