From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

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Create a simple web page with Figma components

Create a simple web page with Figma components - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

Create a simple web page with Figma components

- [Instructor] Finally we're finished creating accessible components, and now we're going to reuse them in our webpage design. We will create a homepage with accessible components from scratch. So make sure that you follow along. In your Figma project, first of all, let's select a frame, and also make sure that we select a desktop dimension. I will immediately extend the height of my frame because we are going to create multiple sections. Then we'll also add a layout grid with exactly the same dimensions that we used earlier through this course. This is crucial for us to align our content within the layout grid itself. And now this is where the fun begins. Let's quickly go to the assets panel and find all of our components. And to start, we are going to drag a header component to the top of our frame. Let's quickly align it to the center and also to the top of the frame. And here we are going to create a hero section…
