From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

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Accessible footers

Accessible footers

- [Instructor] Now it's time to design an accessible footer. In general, a footer is an area at the bottom of each webpage that is being reused across the website. The information in footers may include company data, copyrights, hyperlinks, and social media links. To make our footer accessible, we need to make sure that the shown data has a high-contrast ratio with the footers background. All right, so we are back in our Figma file. Let's select the frame and make sure that the layout grid is activated again. And the reason for that is because we want our content inside of our footer to be aligned in the same way as the content in our header component. Let's hit the rectangle and make sure that its dimensions are 1,440 pixels by 372 pixels. I will also immediately align it to the center. So in this project, the footer will have exactly the same color as our header component. So let's quickly go to the color styles…
