From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

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Accessible header menus

Accessible header menus

- A header is a top part of a website which lets the user navigate across the different web pages. Usually a header consists of a company logo a few menu items and a button with which the user can interact. Accessible headers have a clear and consistent structure that is reused across the web pages. To create a header component in Figma, we are going to work with a new concept of nested components and it means that we are going to use already existing components to create our header. It sounds a bit complicated, but it's definitely not. Let's immediately jump in and I will show you what I mean. When I create a header I start with setting up a layout grid. A layout grid gives me some sort of guidance on how to align my elements within the header. So let's hit on the plus icon in the layout grid section and we are going to select columns. A very common columns count in the webpages is 12. Let's also modify the margins to the…
