From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

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Continue designing accessible components

Continue designing accessible components - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Designing Accessible Components In Figma

Continue designing accessible components

- [Instructor] Congratulations on finishing the course. Now you know how to create accessible components in Figma and how to apply them in your design project. As a part of this course, we discovered the importance of accessibility in design. We reviewed the most common web accessibility standards to create accessible components. Even more importantly, we designed a full set of accessible components in Figma, including buttons, image cards, header navigation, and so on. This allowed us to easily create home and contact pages by reusing accessible components. As a next step, I encourage you to create more components for your project to practice and also make sure that you check their accessibility with Figma plugins that we reviewed together. You should now feel confident about creating an accessible and inclusive design experience for the users.
