From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using the drawing utilities provided by AutoCAD in a DWG file

Using the drawing utilities provided by AutoCAD in a DWG file - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using the drawing utilities provided by AutoCAD in a DWG file

- [Instructor] Welcome to another Tip and Trick in the world of AutoCAD and what we're going to be looking at are the drawing utilities that AutoCAD provides you with. So for that reason we've got a nice drawing called drawingutilities.dwg. You can download that from the library to follow along with this particular Tips and Tricks video. Now, drawing utilities can be found in the Application menu in any version of AutoCAD. That's your big red A in the top left corner of the screen. If I click there, that brings up the Application menu, and there's all our drawing utilities right there. Now there's lots of them, I hasten to add. Some of these we've already covered in previous Tips and Tricks videos. They're also in the AutoCAD Essential Training, and other AutoCAD titles in the library. But some of them are really, really useful and really help you out when you get a slightly grumpy AutoCAD DWG file. First one we're going to look at is going to be the Drawing Properties. If I click…
