From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Content: Creating DWG Compare tables

Content: Creating DWG Compare tables - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Content: Creating DWG Compare tables

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. Now, what we're going to look at today is another feature of the new AutoCAD, drawing compare command. Now, just be aware that drawing compare is an AutoCAD 2019 command. It's not in any previous versions of AutoCAD. And you'll notice that we've got a couple of drawings open in our AutoCAD session, DWGCompare001 and DWGCompare002, because we're going to compare those two drawings against each other. Now, make sure that you download both files from the library to follow along with the video, and make sure that you've got both of them open in AutoCAD, as you can see on the screen. Now, the drawing compare command is on the View tab on the ribbon like so. And I'm going to jump over to the end of the ribbon and there's drawing compare sittin' at the end there. I click on it, and it prompts me to select the drawings that I want to compare. Change the colors if you wish. So, I'm going to change the colors here. Let's go for say a…
