From the course: Master Confident Presentations

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Step off the stage

Step off the stage

- My third tip, to overcome nerves and be more confident is to chat to the audience as they arrive. This is a really good tip. I don't know where I got it from. I think I've just discovered it. But get there really early. Get all your gear set up so you don't have to be faffing with that while people are arriving. And then you can just hang around in the front and chat to people. Now why would you do that? And you might say, "Well I'm going to be intimidated." Suppose they're all doctors or something like that? You might be thinking, "Hmm, these people are so scary." But what happens is that you discover that they're just normal people. And you just say, "Welcome to the talk. "Have you come far?" Or whatever, "Why did you decide to come to this talk?" And you can find out that, firstly, they're normal people. Secondly, you can adjust your talk, subtly, to what they want. Because you'll know what kind of people they are. You'll be on their wavelength as you do that. So it helps you to…
