From the course: Master Confident Presentations

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Ending perfectly on time

Ending perfectly on time

- So, finally, when you're giving a talk, it's absolutely vital to end on time. Never overrun, people hate it if you overrun. Even by five minutes, they'll be climbing the walls. I don't know why, but it's a big thing. So, how can you end on time? Well, the first thing is to have a buffer that you can miss out at the end. A friend of mine always has body language, whatever training course he does, he always has a section on body language that he misses out if necessary. And he nearly always misses it out. But if, for some reason, it's a very quiet audience, and he's just going quicker than normal, he's got his section on body language he can put in if he has to. But you could also have a bit of an area that you could speed up rather than miss out. So, maybe you're planning to have a fairly interactive section with the audience, perhaps they're going to discuss things in groups, and you could just miss that out. So, you could still cover it, you could still talk about the main points…
