From the course: Master Confident Presentations

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Looking the part

Looking the part

- So, the first thing to think about when you do a presentation is your appearance. What should you look like? And the main thing is obviously to be smart, but how smart? And I think similar to the audience, really. Perhaps similar to the audience but a bit smarter than them. So you don't want to be ridiculously smart. If you're going to talk to a load of cool IT people, who are all there in t-shirt, if you turn up in a suit and tie, you're just going to look a bit weird, and they're not going to relate to you, they're not going to like you, they're not going to trust your opinions on things if you're wearing really different clothes. So similar to them, but a little bit smarter. I think there's a big dynamic for men at the moment about whether to wear a tie or not. I went to a posh dinner, an awards dinner, the other week, and half the men were wearing ties, half the men weren't. So it's quite tricky. I wasn't, I prefer not to wear a tie. I don't like the feeling of a tie. And I've…
