From the course: Master Confident Presentations

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Should you give out notes?

Should you give out notes?

- So you're probably going to give out some notes to the audience, I strongly recommend that you do because it's a symbolic gift when you give them notes. But also, they're going to remember your talk more if they got notes. They may never look at the notes again, but they might do. And also, you can put your phone number and your email address and things on the notes so you should give them something. The big question though is do you give the notes out before your talk, during your talk or after your talk? and there are pros and cons of all three of these so it's tricky. I think my least favorite is to give the notes out before the talk. Sometimes you have to do this because if it's a conference there might be a pack that's been sent out or whatever but the problem is if you give the notes out before they can read ahead and they know what's coming up and it just takes away all the excitement and all the suspense from your talk. But the advantage is that they can write on them so if…
