From the course: Master Confident Presentations

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Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect

- And finally my 7th suggestion for improving you confidence and overcoming nerves is have a run through to check the timing. Especially the first minute of your talk. You absolutely must run through that. But you could run through the whole talk just to check the timing's okay. I've been doing this so long now, I know that I take about five minutes per slide and I know that if I'm going faster or slower I can correct as I go along. But you might want to just check that your 25 minute talk isn't going to turn out to be and hour, or three minutes. So have a run through, and then you know that it's all fine. Now as you do the run through you might feel a bit nervous and you may feel it's increasing your nerves. But if you've had a run through, you'll feel much more confident when you actually get there to do the talk. I wouldn't do loads of run throughs, though. It starts to get a bit stale then. I think I would do two run throughs at the most. That's my 7th tip for improving your…
