From the course: Master Confident Presentations

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A bonus freebie

A bonus freebie

- I've got one other thing for you which is free, which I think you might like, which is my tip of the month. I send out an email tip free to everyone who's been in my courses if they want to have it. And so please do sign up for that, the email address will be coming up here, but it's basically with hyphens. So yeah put your email address in there and you will get a free email from me every month forever and it will never repeat, you can always unsubscribe if it don't make you happy, but I know you'll like it. People very rarely unsubscribe, I do put quite a lot of effort into writing them because they go to 20,000 people so I do put an effort in. So I really hope you like my tip of the month, sign up for it now, bye for now.
