From the course: Thinking Creatively

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How to select the best ideas

How to select the best ideas

From the course: Thinking Creatively

How to select the best ideas

- Selecting the best ideas is an essential part of the creativity process. You want to make sure you spend your time only on those ideas with the most potential. Let's look at ways to evaluate ideas. First, you need to decide what qualifies as a really great idea. In other words, what criteria should you use to evaluate ideas? Now it's important you do this first, before even looking at the ideas generated. Otherwise, you run the risk of the ideas creating the criteria for you. Say you really like an idea, but it doesn't meet all your criteria, so you make up new criteria to fit the idea. That's wrong and it'll lead to errors in judgment. So what criteria do you select? Well, that's completely up to you, but don't have too many, four or five at most, and actually fewer is better. Let the most important criteria do the job for you. From my experience, most criteria fit into two types. How well does the idea fit…
