From the course: Thinking Creatively

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How to create a creativity dream team

How to create a creativity dream team

From the course: Thinking Creatively

How to create a creativity dream team

- A fast way to boost your creativity is to harness the brain power of others. Creativity is a team sport and you'll generate better ideas if you surround yourself with people to help you. When you invite colleagues to be part of a creativity session, be sure to create a diverse team. Diversity helps people see more possibilities. It creates a stronger sense of group accountability. Diverse groups cause people to bring their best thinking, to behave properly and to maintain their status in the group as a positive contributor. You want diversity in three ways: functional, gender and cultural. Functional diversity means that team members come from different parts of the company. Now it depends a lot on the topic you're generating ideas for. Generally speaking, I try to include coworkers from marketing, from my technical team and from my sales or customer support team. But at times, it makes sense to include…
