From the course: Thinking Creatively

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Applying the division technique

Applying the division technique

From the course: Thinking Creatively

Applying the division technique

- Division is a powerful technique because it forces you to break fixedness, especially structural fixedness. Division forces you to create configurations by rearranging components in ways you were not likely to have done on your own. The division technique works by dividing a product or its components functionally or physically, and then rearranging them back into the product. To apply the division technique, you start by listing the product's internal components. Next, you divide the product or one of the components. And there are three ways you can do this. First is functionally, where you rearrange along some functional role. For example, a water sport company took the controls of the speedboat and then functionally divided them off and placed them into the handle of the water ski tow rope. Now the water skier controls the movements of the boat without having a separate driver. Next is physically, where you are cutting…
