From the course: Thinking Creatively

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Applying the task unification technique

Applying the task unification technique

From the course: Thinking Creatively

Applying the task unification technique

- The famous inventor, Thomas Edison, lived in a beautiful home. But something was unusual about the gate that led into his house. His visitors had to push the gate very hard to open it. And then again, very hard to close it. It seemed odd that such a successful inventor, like Thomas Edison wouldn't fix his gate. Well, rumor has it that Thomas had attached a pump to his gate so that every time someone opened or closed it, they were pumping fresh water into the plumbing system of his house. This is a great example of the innovation technique called, task unification. Task unification is defined as the assignment of additional tasks to an existing resource. Now, that resource can be a component of a product or service or it can be something in the immediate vicinity of the product or service. Hey, think back to the story of Thomas' gate. The gate has its primary job of letting visitors through, but it also has the additional…
