From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

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Sharing and publishing reports in Looker Studio

Sharing and publishing reports in Looker Studio - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

Sharing and publishing reports in Looker Studio

- [Instructor] There are many options to present a dashboard but the first step is to decide how it should be viewed and shared. Reports can be shared as links, downloaded, emailed, shared publicly, or formatted to work as a slide deck-style presentation. The most common way to share is through links. Right where the option is to add users with the share button that we used previously in the course is a small arrow. This link can be copied directly from the option, but keep in mind that the person who has the link will need to have access first. Other options are to download as a PDF, embed this report somewhere else, like a webpage, or set up an automated scheduled PDF report for multiple people. This makes things quick, because you can send this to yourself or add different team members or departments and have this report automatically send on an interval of whatever you'd like. So for example, if you wanted a weekly…
