From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

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Looker Studio functions

Looker Studio functions

- [Instructor] Beyond building foundational calculations and creating new fields, more advanced functions can be leveraged for customization and control. On this page of the report, I'll use three functions to concatenate page paths, edit text, and regroup data. This table shows page paths, landing pages that represent the performance of pages on the Google Merchandise store. If you have multiple sites in one report, or if it seems more helpful for viewers to see the whole URL, a new field can be added to prepend the host name. I'll go to Edit the Data Source and add a new field. I'll call this field landing page full URL. The formula this time is going to be for concatenation, which in Looker Studio is concat. This one takes two or more fields. Since it's a function, they're also referred to as arguments. For our purposes, I'll add host name and the next argument, the original landing page. Now, when I save, close the…
