From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

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Data sources in action

Data sources in action

- [Host] It only takes a few minutes to create the foundation of your report and connect to multiple platforms with data connectors. Since this will be a marketing report, we'll use the Google Ad sample data and Google Analytics demo data. But if you already have accounts from your own organization or your own website, I recommend using those, as well as or in place of sample sources. It won't alter the underlying data from the platforms or affect the GA interface, so there's no risk in pulling production analytics. After creating a new report like this, the data connector panel will pop up. Samples are in the my data sources tab, to the right of the main connectors area. I'm going to go to select Google Ads. Now that it's connected, I'll add another from Google Analytics. This time I'll select add data from the report menu. The steps after you click the data connector are to select the account name, the property name,…
