From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

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Collaboration and workflow

Collaboration and workflow

- [Host] Looker Studio is cloud-based, so collaboration is similar to other Google tools, like Google Docs and Google Slides. It's in the cloud, so if users are connected to the internet and have permissions, they can view and edit the report in real time. There are three basic levels of access, viewer, editor, and owner. All of these can be seen from the share option at the top. If you'd like to add someone directly to the report, you can use the restricted option. Here you can select if you'd like them to be a viewer or an editor. Another level of permissions adds extra restrictions for those who are invited to join the dashboard. With this gear icon, there are two more options to consider. The first has to do with editors. If someone has editor access, they also have the ability to manage users, so they can add users, remove users, and change access. The only thing an editor can't do is change who the owner is. This…
