From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

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Introduction to interactive controls

Introduction to interactive controls - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Marketers

Introduction to interactive controls

- [Instructor] Looker Studio isn't just for static visualizations. It's also for hands-on interaction for your viewers. It allows the audience to engage with the data, change the reports, and drill down beyond the initial state of the charts. There are benefits to making your dashboard interactive. It can condense the dashboard to make it more efficient and have fewer pages, and it can turn a report that's about explanation to a report that's about exploration. There are usually two types of preferences. There are those that prefer a presentation, PDF report, or quick summary, and there are those who would prefer to interact with the data and would benefit from the ability to dig deeper on their own. There's no right way to view a report, but it's worth thinking about who's going to be using it, so that it creates the most value. Interactivity, in this case, refers to adding controls. Almost all of the options to add…
