From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety

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Using password management software

Using password management software

- I mentioned how it's not a good idea to write down passwords and tape them to your monitor. I also absolutely understand that it's just about impossible to remember all of our passwords. More and more sites and places have complex password requirements, and we're also being required to change our password more often. These are very good things and I'm not complaining, but fortunately there's good safe password management software out there for just such a purpose. For example, there's software called LastPass. Another good contender is Dashlane. And finally, 1Password. I have 1Password installed, so I'm going to use that to show you how password management software works. When you install the software it gives you a browser toolbar button here and it's always running, so that when you create a new login somewhere it's going to store it in your personal vault. Your vault is on your desktop computer, any laptop,…
