From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety

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Determine the credibility of an article

Determine the credibility of an article

- [Narrator] It's never been more important to be a smart consumer of both products and news and information. It used to be just to avoid annoying your friends and Facebook followers, but now it's a little bit more important, and there's more at stake, so you should learn how to check details yourself before hitting share. The first step to doing that is to turn yourself into more of a savvy researcher. You can do that by first evaluating the site itself, then evaluating the content and purpose of that site, and finally, evaluating the content and the author of the article itself. I promise it doesn't take as long as it sounds like it does. I have here a BBC feature article and I thought it would be a great one to use as an example. So let's use our evaluation in the broadest sense. We'll evaluate the site itself before we even get to the content. Look at the URL at the top of the screen. In this case, I can…
