From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety

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Protect a computer and laptop

Protect a computer and laptop

- [Instructor] When you have a desktop computer versus a laptop, it's likely that you won't be moving it around. So while there's little to no danger that you'll lose it, there are some safeguards that you can do to secure it from physical access. The first one is don't write down your password on sticky notes and tape them to your monitor. But I'll be talking about passwords in the next video, including why we write down our passwords on sticky notes. Next, always lock your computer when you're walking away from it. To lock a Windows computer, hold down the Windows key and hit L. This is going to instantly lock the screen, like this. To get back into it, you first need to unlock it, and put in your password, PIN code, or whatever mechanism you have to get into the computer. There are a few ways that you can change that mechanism, including your password, if you don't currently have one. Click Start, and then click the…
