From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety

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Blur sensitive data from photos

Blur sensitive data from photos

- [Instructor] Social networks make it possible to instantaneously upload photos from our lives to all our friends in the world. Now, with these photos here, and yours, most viewers will be drawn right into the focal point in the photo, which is what we want. The people in the photo on the right and the car on the photo of the left. But you don't want anyone with sharp eyes to notice the smaller details. For example, this car has a license plate that's clearly readable, and visible, and identifiable. Also, you can see the bus number right here. You don't want strangers on the internet to see things like a street intersection name on a sign post on a photo that's right in front of your house. Also, a child could be smiling nicely but they also might be wearing a school logo T-shirt. To stop broadcasting these things to people, there's tools that are built right in to the photo apps on your computer. I'm going to click to…
