From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety

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Remove contact info before forwarding emails

Remove contact info before forwarding emails

From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety

Remove contact info before forwarding emails

- [Instructor] We've all gotten email forwards like this. It comes from somebody and you have to scroll through a long list of everybody that the email was sent to and what they sent about it to find out what the actual body of the email is. Sometimes you can just discard the message you don't want, but sometimes like this one, if it is me, you genuinely might want to send it out to lots of people that you know. If you want to do that, there are a few things that you can keep in mind to protect the email addresses of the person that you received it from and all the people that you're going to send it to. The first thing we're going to do, and I'm using Gmail for this example, is click forward because we're going to forward this along to more people. So I'll click Forward, and that's going to pop up a new email. The first thing I'll do is put my cursor in the body of the email. Even though it's a forward, I can…
