From the course: Learning BIM 360 Glue Classic

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Updating in Navisworks

Updating in Navisworks

- As I mentioned before, Navisworks ties directly into BIM 360 Glue. BIM 360 Glue ties directly into Navisworks. We can directly open a 360 model and work in Navisworks as if Glue was simply a Navisworks addon. So by opening up Navisworks 2016 we can pull in our model and check it out. So let's jump into Autodesk Navisworks Managed 2016. Le's go to the BIM 360 tab. Let's make sure that we're logged onto Autodesk A360. If you're not, just click the dropdown and sign on. Now under the BIM 360 tab we have a project and a model. So for a project you may not have in here yet, so let's make sure we do. I'm going to click on the little builder button just to the right of the project. It's going to open up BIM 360 Glue. I'm going to select and I'm going to click Next. We can bring in the merged model, or the rest of the model. I want to bring in merged models. So I'm going to go to Merged Models, and I'm going to select Lynda Combined and I'm going to click Open. Of course…
