From the course: Learning BIM 360 Glue Classic

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Opening the model

Opening the model

- Now that we have the app downloaded successfully we can go into. What I want to do is go into BIM 360 Glue by clicking the icon on your iPad. This will make us sign in, just like we had to sign in on the PC. Ok click Done and we're signed in. Now your recent models will probably be the good one. But what I want to do is go to Csos and I'm going to go to my project. It's the third one from the left. Now notice that we haven't downloaded it yet, so you see that little cloud thats hovering above it. Go ahead and click on the cloud and you'll see that it's downloading. First downloads take a little bit, so be patient. You'll see a status bar. Now once that's done you can just click on the button and it's going to load it right in. And here it is. Now that we're in here let's go ahead and click back to models. Now that it's downloaded it opens up a lot faster. We're in merge models, but let's click on the icon below merge models and you can see the separate models that are in…
