From the course: Learning BIM 360 Glue Classic

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Getting the app

Getting the app

- As I may have mentioned in my opening remarks, the BIM 360 app is free. It's the service you're paying for, if you're the host admin on a project. This video has us going to the App Store and adding the 360 Glue app to an iPad. So, fire up your iPad, log on. Let's go to the first screen and click on the App Store icon. This will open up our App Store. Now, what we're going to do is, in the upper right-hand corner, we're going to click into the Search dialog. Type in B-I-M, space. Go to your numbers: 360, and it should show up in the drop-down. If not, hit space again and type in G-L-U-E. Now, hit Search. Now, it's as simple as this: if it says GET, you don't have it downloaded. If it says OPEN, you already do. So if you don't have it downloaded, click on GET. If you do have it downloaded, click on Open. Now that we're installed, we're ready to go.
