From the course: Learning BIM 360 Glue Classic

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Looking around

Looking around

- It's good to stop and take a look around once in a while. Whenever I show BIM 360 Glue, this is the moment where the audience goes, "Whoa!" The ability to walk up to an item and physically move my iPad in the direction of the item as if I were standing in the building really drops some jaws. Let's jump into Autodesk BIM 360 Glue on our iPad. I'm going to click on my Lynda Combined model. Now what I'm going to do, is I'm going to focus on one of those rooms. I'm going to use my typical finger gestures, and I'm going to zoom in on the room on the second floor, second room from the left. I'm going to walk into the room. I'm picking my iPad up in my hands, and what I want to do, is I want to take a panorama look around the room. Now, there's an icon just above the big ball, it's got the four little arrows. Pick it and hold it. Now once you've picked it and hold it, lift your iPad up and move your iPad around. It's as if you're looking through a little window at the room. You can…
