From the course: Learning BIM 360 Glue Classic

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Understanding the cloud and who owns the models

Understanding the cloud and who owns the models - Autodesk 360 Tutorial

From the course: Learning BIM 360 Glue Classic

Understanding the cloud and who owns the models

- I loved it when they came up with the term The Cloud. Sounds crazy to me, some unknown entity that controls all of our information. I suppose in the sky somewhere, the North Pole. And what does the cloud do? Is it the Internet or something? Well, none of the above. The cloud is nothing more than storage that you can access remotely, that's it. If you have a wireless network at home, guess what, you're in a cloud. It's a physical storage facility with physical servers with your physical data sitting there. But question is: who owns my models? Well, You do. Autodesk is securely storing them for you in the cloud. The host administrator is generally the prime contract holder or the exclusive bin manager. The cloud is secure and is backed up incrementally. Basically, you're using someone else's servers to store your stuff. But the best thing about the cloud is data is simultaneously brought down to mobile devices, PC's, and any office anywhere you are. So, by using the cloud, you're…
