From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

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Taking a serene water shot in a flowing creek

Taking a serene water shot in a flowing creek - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

Taking a serene water shot in a flowing creek

- I've got the camera set up on the tripod. I've already gone through handholding for composition and I've isolated my subject. I'm very pleased with the way this is looking. I've now polarized this scene, and now it's time to find the proper exposure. I'm in live view now and live view is fantastic cause it let's me kind of study the scene, the exposure, and I'm able to work it. It's much like having a laptop in the field. It's a very powerful tool. Now my ISO is at 6400, which of course we don't want to shoot at 6400. That's a lot of noise. So we're gonna take our ISO and we're gonna start it at the base of 100. Now my aperture selection's based on depth of the field. I have a wide angle lens. I have a foreground that is quite a distance. I'd say about 15 feet. That's not very close to the front of the lens, and my background's infinity. This means I get the aperture of f11. I don't need a small f16 or f22 because I'm not close to my foreground. This shot we're taking here, I like…
