From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

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Introducing the Hoh Rain Forest location and shoot plan

Introducing the Hoh Rain Forest location and shoot plan - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

Introducing the Hoh Rain Forest location and shoot plan

- We're here in the Hoh Rainforest, an incredible location at Olympic National Park. with dense, green foliage, incredible trees full of moss. It's really spectacular here. Before I came, I washed my tripod from last night's shoot of the beach. Any time you get sand and saltwater in that tripod, rinse it with fresh water that night, and that's gonna help the longevity of your tripod. Alright, so we're here, it's rainy and wet. Welcome to the Pacific Northwest. It's not gonna stop us at all. In fact, it's gonna give us super-saturated color. So, we like the rain, we embrace the rain, and we shoot in the rain. Now, I have some tools to help me. The first one is, I've changed rain jackets to a super-thick fisherman's rain jacket. They wear these on boats out to sea. And the reason I'm wearing it is, we're on a very short hike today, very close to the car, and I'm not gonna be sweating and working out. I don't need a Gore-Tex, breathable coat. I want a coat that's absolutely solid, and I…
