From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

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Blending two images to achieve the look

Blending two images to achieve the look

- It was an extremely productive and creative experience on Second Beach. I really had a good time playing with the different shutter speeds on the waves. In this particular image, I really like these streaks coming right at me, but there's a problem. With a four second exposure, if we look up here, we can see four seconds. The camera moved in the sand because, as we talked about in the field, as the waves go in and out, the tripod can sink. If I zoom in on a sea stack, you're actually gonna see, it's as if there's two sea stacks. One directly behind it, so the camera moved during that exposure. And as I reviewed my images, gosh, this was my favorite one with water. Well, I'm gonna show you a very cool way to fix it to make this image usable. I'm gonna take this image and blend it with this image. Now, I took this just 30 seconds after that, so very close so the light's very similar, and the wave; it completely receded, so you can see there's nothing interesting on the foreground, but…
