From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

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Shooting trees in the Hall of Mosses with a long lens

Shooting trees in the Hall of Mosses with a long lens - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

Shooting trees in the Hall of Mosses with a long lens

- Here we are long lens on the camera, ready to zoom in and really isolate that tree in the back that I love so much. Now when you have the wide angle lens on the tripod, which we've just done. It's very important to be in a very precise location of your tripod. Whether it be four inches from the ground or three feet or so on. So, it's very important to have the flexibility and not just to put it in a perfectly stand up, you know, I'm comfortable position. Long lens, you get more flexibility. So here we are zoomed in at 135 millimeter. And I'm standing very comfortable and able to work in this space. So keep in the mind the lens can change what you're doing with your tripod. Now, what I've got is I've got the back tree framed and I'm really trying to isolate what's interesting about it. So, as I go into Live View, I can see that I have a lot of lines going right through the middle, as kind of a base, and then these wonderful curves coming off the edges. And I don't have any sky. I'm…
