From the course: Landscape Photography: Washington's Olympic National Park

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Comparing shots with polarization

Comparing shots with polarization

- Throughout our time in the rainforest we've really been talking about polarization and the affects of reducing glare and increasing saturation. In the Hoh Rainforest we did a side-by-side. I really wanna show you the difference. In this first image we have polarization. In the second image no polarization. Let's take a look at those side-by-side. If I "Shift-click" on both and I hit the "End" key, which is called "Survey mode," it lets you see two images at once. I'm gonna do "Shift-tab" to make it large and hit "L" twice to go black. Now I can really look at the images. Lightroom has a lot of useful ways in which to see your images. On the left we've got dramatic green color. We have taken that glare away to really show you what the fern looks like. It's really a way of revealing the scene. On the right, we're picking up all the glare from the overcast sky and the ferns are a mix of white and green. They're just not that green, lush feel that we got in the Hoh. It really doesn't…
