From the course: iOS 16: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Work with email

Work with email

- [Instructor] Depending on the type of email account you have, either your messages show up on your devices as soon as they arrive in your email server or your device is set to check for new messages at a set duration of time. Email systems such as Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo Mail, and iCloud support what's known as push email. Instead of waiting for your phone to check for new messages on the server, the server pushes the new message to your phone so that they show up almost immediately after the person sending you the email hits the Send key on their end, barring, of course, any network traffic that may be clogging things up. Now, this does depend on how you have certain options set. Let's go into Settings, to Mail, and Accounts. And here, I'm going to tap Fetch New Data. And here at the top is where you'll find the on/off switch for Push. Now, I only have one account here that supports push, which is my iCloud…
