From the course: iOS 16: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Force quit apps

Force quit apps

- [Narrator] If you ever run into an issue where a specific app you're using seems to be acting up or not working correctly, the first thing you can try is to force quit the app. We've seen this previously, but you can force quit an app by swiping up from the bottom of the screen to open the app switcher. And again, on older iPhones and iPads that have home buttons, you'll double click the home button, then find the app and swipe up on it to force it to quit. You can then return to the home screen and try opening the app again to see if that's fixed the issue. If the app is still giving you problems, you might want to try restarting your device as we previously discussed. And if that doesn't work and you think it's a problem specific to that app, try going to the App Store to check for an update or visit the app developer's website to see if any information is available. And if they have a way to submit a question or…
