From the course: iOS 16: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Select and modify text

Select and modify text

- [Instructor] So previously, we saw how iOS can help autocorrect texts that you mistype. But of course there will be times when you'll want to make manual edits or corrections to your text. And you do so by selecting the text you want to change, just like you do on a desktop computer word processor. To place the cursor anywhere within the text, just drag with your finger and place it where you want to start typing or correcting the text. If your finger gets in the way of the area you want to place the cursor, you can also move it around by holding down on the space bar. Which turns the keyboard area into a track pad and you can move the cursor around that way. Now to select a single word, you can just double tap it. You can then use the selection handles on either end to drag out the selection area. If you want to select an entire paragraph, tap anywhere within it three times in a row. Now anytime you make a selection,…
