From the course: iOS 16: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Get directions

Get directions

- [Narrator] Now let's take a look at the directions feature in Maps which gives you spoken turn-by-turn directions to wherever you're trying to go. If you know the exact address of your destination, you can type it right into the search bar, but if you don't have an exact address, you can tap in the search bar and instead enter the location, neighborhood, or service you're looking for. For example, maybe I'm looking for a nearby place to get something to eat. I'll tap the locate button to find my current location and I'll tap in the search field. Now notice before I even type anything in the search field, I get several suggestions below that field. I see my recent searches as well as a find nearby section where I can search for restaurants, fast food, and so on. So for example, I can tap restaurants and that gives me a list of nearby places. Again, I can look on the map or I can slide this sheet up to look at a list.…
