From the course: iOS 16: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Erase and restore your device

Erase and restore your device

- [Instructor] Okay, so now we're getting into the fixes that will actually remove your personal data and settings off your iOS device. In this movie, we're going to look at how to completely erase your device so that it set back to the way it came out of the box. This means you'll lose everything you yourself added, like your contacts, your photos, your music and any apps you installed. Now, the good news is if you regularly back up your device you have copies of all those things stored to your computer or your iCloud backup. So you can erase your device to try to fix whatever problem it is you're having and then restore your device with your most recent backup to copy your settings and apps back to your newly pristine device. So to completely erase your device, first go to settings, to your account here at the top, to find my. Tap find my iPhone or find my iPad and disable find my iPhone. And to do so, you'll need to…
