From the course: Design Thinking: Testing and Refining

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- Welcome back. In the previous video, I presented two scenarios and I challenge you to figure out how you would test them. In this video, I'll share how I would approach testing the scenarios and why. So in scenario one if you remember, it was a website that sold household items at a deep discount. And so the way that I would approach this challenge and understand how I might test and what I might test would be to make sure that I'm using a problem statement. So a problem statement or a design challenge for this one could sound something like the household member who also often does the grocery shopping who wants or needs deep discounts on the high household items through a subscription service because they often forget to reorder items. So I define the challenge using the someone who needs what, something because they framework and then what I would do is using the information that I was given in that challenge, I…
