From the course: Design Thinking: Testing and Refining

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What about AB, multi-variate, multi-arm bandit, oh my!

What about AB, multi-variate, multi-arm bandit, oh my!

From the course: Design Thinking: Testing and Refining

What about AB, multi-variate, multi-arm bandit, oh my!

- Understanding a few common in-product tests that provide quantitative data is important. Quantitative tests attempt to quantify, put a number to the change or changes you've made to an experience. Because within design thinking's refinement phase, A/B, multivariate and Multi-Armed Bandit may provide us with ways in which we can continue to refine by testing live in our product. In an A/B test traffic to a page is split between different versions of the design. The way the design was before your change is called the control. This may sound familiar if you remember back to any science classes. For example, let's say that you have a product carousel on your website's home page. You've determined that people prefer to see a grid of several of the items with a view more button. For your test, some traffic would go to the page as it is with the carousel, while others would be diverted to your grid design. Now, let's talk…
