From the course: Design Thinking: Testing and Refining

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- Okay, now it's time to apply what you've learned. In the following scenarios, your goal will be to identify and define what you are testing. A quick refresher, defining the problem is a powerful method to frame what you're trying to tackle, or simply put, what you're trying to solve. The definition of a problem statement, also called the design challenge, must be rooted in your observations about your users. It must come from empathy. Start by going back to, or referencing, your problem statement as a design challenge. It must be one that is rooted in observations you've made from your customers. Now, pick out specific features or concepts you should be testing based on that criteria. This is what you will test, and remember, how you define your why is very important. Here's the first scenario. You are working on an E-commerce website that sells household items at a deep discount. The customers who subscribe to…
